Fssai(FosCos) Registration Form Spam protection, skip this field Name of Applicant / आवेदक का नाम * Email Id / ईमेल आईडी * Mobile Number / मोबाइल नंबर * Name Of Business / Firm / Company / व्यवसाय / फर्म / कंपनी का नाम * Name of the Food Category / खाद्य श्रेणी का नाम * Choose Kind Of Business / व्यवसाय का प्रकार * Choose Complete Business Address / पता * Pincode State / राज्य * District / जिला * UPLOAD PAN CARD * Choose file Uploading… (0%) Browse Oops. This file type isn’t allowed. This file size is too big. I AGREE TO THE TERMS OF SERVICE I, the applicant agree to share OTP sent on my mobile and / or other Details required for the purpose of FOOD LICENCE Certificate Generation.